Jere W. Witherspoon image

Jere W. Witherspoon

  • Executive Director, 1992–1996

A West Virginia native, Mr. Witherspoon joined the Endowment’s Hospital and Child Care Section in 1969 after eight years as a hospital administrator. He was a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives and a Life Member of the American Hospital Association. He received the Meritorious Service Award from the North Carolina Hospital Association and the Distinguished Service Award from the South Carolina Hospital Association. Mr. Witherspoon served on the board of the North Carolina Medical Care Commission.

Major Endowment Milestones:

  • Created health care administration residency program for students at the Endowment,
  • Active in formation of hospice services of North Carolina
  • Shifted to include program funding for access to health care, children’s health, hospital/community partnerships and prevention/education
  • Rural church-based child care programs